Hatha yoga flows & sequences

Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.

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Whether you’re just getting started or have lots of experience, Glo has classes at every level, in a diverse range of styles.


Foundational yoga for beginners and advanced practitioners.

Hatha yoga is often slower moving than a Vinyasa yoga practice, but it can be challenging, stimulating, or soft, depending on the circumstances. The integration of breath while holding poses for long periods of time with intention and relaxation comprise this branch of practice that encompasses and integrates many forms.


Level 1 45 mins

Increase your balancing skills in this Hatha class that helps you feel your grounding. Start with Hatha Lunge Salutes, then practice Revolved Lunge Pose, Half Moon, and Eagle Pose before rounding out in Seated Forward Fold, Shoulderstand, and Fish Pose. This class previously aired on January 21, 2024.


Level 1 30 mins

Melt tension in your shoulders, neck, and upper body throughout this mild Hatha practice. Feel more comfortable and calm after practicing Child’s Pose, Cat Pose, Lunging Garudasana (Eagle Pose), Wide-Legged Forward Fold, and Lunging Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose). This class previously aired on January 22, 2024.


Level 2 45 mins

This class prioritizes inward listening over external stimuli. You’ll build strength in your entire body while experiencing the vibrancy of your mind to finish present and clear. Follow a breath-focused sequence with shoulder work, Plank to Vashistasana (Side Plank) variations, Trikonasana (Triangle), Low Lunge, Ustrasana (Camel) variations, and Pasasana (hip-openers). This class previously aired on January 20, 2024.


Level 1-2 45 mins

This sweet practice caters to those in menopause, encouraging you to feel, accept, and support everything you’re experiencing. It’s a slow and steady sequence that allows time to explore and find your way in classic poses based on how you are today. Postures include Reclined Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose, Down Dog, Plank, Triangle, Half Moon, and Supported Bridge. This class previously aired on January 18, 2024.


Level 1-2 45 mins

Lay the groundwork for being more accepting and empathetic toward others in this balanced, nurturing Hatha practice that helps you feel more comfortable and at peace in your body. Start with Happy Baby, Reclined Ankle-To-Knee, and Reclined Twist before moving steadily through Warrior II, Triangle, Wide-Legged Forward Bend, and Bridge Pose. This class previously aired on January 17, 2024.


Level 1 30 mins

This Hatha practice opens and settles your body to prepare for rest and is perfect for before sleep — bedtime or a nap. You’ll lengthen your exhales to ground your energy, release tension, and calm your mind. Move through a slow, gentle sequence with Child’s Pose, Seated Forward Fold, Down Dog to standing postures, Pigeon Pose, Supine Twist, and Happy Baby, then finish with a short meditation and breathwork. This class previously aired on January 13, 2024.


Level 2 30 mins

Explore spinal alignment in backbends and forward bends throughout this Hatha practice designed to improve your posture. Move with poise through a Lizard Lunge variation, High Lunge, Standing Half Split, Pyramid Pose, Revolved Triangle, and Half Moon, then head to the floor to finish in Bridge, Wheel, and Reclined Twist. This class previously aired on January 12, 2024.


Level 2-3 10 mins

This efficient Hatha practice uplifts your spirit and turns on your full-body strength. Explore a quick sequence with Warrior II, Triangle Pose, Extended Side Angle, Lizard Lunge, Standing Half Split, Compass Pose, Happy Baby, and Reclined Twist. This class previously aired on January 5, 2024.


Level 1 30 mins

Stretch your shoulders, quads, and spine in this gentle backhanding practice that leaves you calm and spacious. Flow through a slow, relaxing sequence with Reclined Twist, side-lying postures, Anjeneyasana (Crescent Moon), Ardha Ustrasana (Half Camel Pose), and Supported Bridge. This class previously aired on January 3, 2024.


Level 1 45 mins

Come back to your authentic self in this steady Hatha practice that features conscious breathing. Center and ground your body and mind while moving through High Lunge, Lizard Lunge, Half Split, Humble Warrior, Revolved Pyramid, Warrior III, and grounded postures to finish. This class previously aired on December 29, 2023.


Level 1 20 mins

This deeply calming practice focuses intently on the rhythm of your breath. You’ll play with moving your breath into different areas of your body to expand and release. Become familiar with Belly Breathing, Chest Breathing, Seesaw Breathing, and how to integrate your breath better. Please visit Annie’s Somatic Hatha Series: Introduction class to learn more about Somatic yoga. This class previously aired on December 28, 2023.


Level 1-2 30 mins

Learn how to maintain a neutral, comfortable position with your spine while strengthening your center and mobilizing your hips and shoulders. This slow, relaxing Hatha practice takes you through a Reclined Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose series, upper body variations in Warrior I and Warrior II, and Forearm Plank before finishing with Bridge and Child’s Pose. This class previously aired on December 27, 2023.

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