Iyengar Yoga 4-Week Series

Nikki Costello teacher avatar
Level 2 - 10-60 min
Our Iyengar Yoga 4-Week Series features two class options per week (9 classes total)—one class for intermediate yogis and one for advanced. Traditional to this yoga style, this month-long format offers the necessary amount of time to build a healthy Iyengar Yoga practice to support you throughout life. Week one covers standing poses and arm balances to create a strong foundation on which the rest of the month's poses build on. Week two focuses on Forward Bends and Twists to prepare you for backbend practices in week three. Finally, week four features restorative postures that help the body and mind recover. Customize this program to suit your abilities and repeat classes each week to build your practice.
  • 3 blankets,
  • 2 blocks,
  • 1 straps,
  • 1 wall spaces
Our Iyengar Yoga 4-Week Series features two class options per week (9 classes total)—one class for intermediate yogis and one for advanced. Traditional to this yoga style, this month-long format offers the necessary amount of time to build a healthy Iyengar Yoga practice to support you throughout life. Week one covers standing poses and arm balances to create a strong foundation on which the rest of the month's poses build on. Week two focuses on Forward Bends and Twists to prepare you for backbend practices in week three. Finally, week four features restorative postures that help the body and mind recover. Customize this program to suit your abilities and repeat classes each week to build your practice.
  • 3 blankets,
  • 2 blocks,
  • 1 straps,
  • 1 wall spaces
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Level 2 10 mins

This class covers quick demonstrations of Tadasana, Dandasana, Salabhasana, and Savasana, the various foundational poses from which stem the different classifications of poses that you'll encounter in this program.


Level 1-2 45 mins

This Iyengar Yoga class covers how to build strength and maintain length through the body in standing poses. Learn how to elongate the torso and widen the upper back in Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana and apply it to other expansive poses like Triangle, Warrior I, and Down Dog. Props Required: 2 blankets, 1 bolster. Props Suggested: a block, a wall.


Level 2 60 mins

This challenging Iyengar Yoga class focuses on preparing the body for arm balances. Learn how to maintain length in the torso while mobilizing the legs and shifting weight into the upper body. Peak poses include Standing Split, One-Legged Down Dog, Side Plank, and inversions with leg extensions. Props Required: 3 blankets, 1 bolster, a belt. Props Suggested: a wall.


Level 1-2 45 mins

This Iyengar Yoga class focuses on using props to support the process of accessing deep seated forward bends. Warm up the hips and legs in Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend and Half Bound Lotus Forward Fold, progressing towards Full Lotus Pose. Take the poses to the wall to facilitate a deeper opening, then finish with Seated Forward Bend and Plow Pose. Props Required: 3 blankets, a wall.


Level 2 60 mins

This Iyengar Yoga class focuses on deep twisting using props and an emphasis on how to use the arms to create resistance and length in the spine. Prepare the body with Triangle, Half Moon Pose, and Staff Pose, then progress them into their more advanced twisting variations, finishing with seated twists and Side Crow. Props Required: 3 blankets, 2 blocks, a wall.


Level 1-2 45 mins

This Iyengar Yoga class practices slow, methodical movement to elongate the spine in prone backbends. Learn how to expand the upper back in Child’s Pose and Down Dog, and then into backbends like Locust and Bow Pose. Counter these backbends with neutralizing poses like Reclined Spinal Twist and Prone Savasana. Props Required: 2 blocks, 3 blankets, a bolster.


Level 2 60 mins

This Iyengar Yoga class gradually opens up the back and shoulders in preparation for an enlivening back bending and inversion sequence. Peak poses include Feathered Peacock Pose, Inverted Staff Pose and Full Wheel Pose, followed by counter poses like Shoulder Stand and Plow Pose. Props Required: 2 blocks, 3 blankets, 1 strap, 1 bolster, a chair, a wall.


Level 1-2 30 mins

A slow, deeply restorative Iyengar Yoga class done in both Prone and Supine poses to quiet the mind and release muscles in the shoulders and legs. Key poses include Supported Child’s Pose, Standing Forward Bend, and chair-supported Shoulder Stand. Props Required: 1 bolster, 2 blankets, a chair. Props Suggested: An additional mat.


Level 1-2 45 mins

A deeply restorative Iyengar Yoga class that uses poses held for long periods of time to open the front of the body. Practice supported variations of Childs Pose, Down Dog, Reclined Bound Angle Pose, and Bridge Pose. Props Required: 2 bolsters, 2 blocks, 3 blankets.

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