Hatha 101

Darren Rhodes teacher avatar
Level 1 - 20 min
Hatha is a great point of entry to a skillful and fulfilling yoga practice. With a focus on form and an accessible pace, you'll have the opportunity to become comfortable with a variety of fundamental poses. This program will lay the groundwork for a practice in any style by teaching the basics of alignment, movement, and breathing. Whether you're looking to establish a new practice or delve into the nuances of essential poses, this well-rounded introductory program is for you.
Hatha is a great point of entry to a skillful and fulfilling yoga practice. With a focus on form and an accessible pace, you'll have the opportunity to become comfortable with a variety of fundamental poses. This program will lay the groundwork for a practice in any style by teaching the basics of alignment, movement, and breathing. Whether you're looking to establish a new practice or delve into the nuances of essential poses, this well-rounded introductory program is for you.
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Week 1


Level 1 20 mins

This practice is all about discovery, no matter how experienced you become. Find a comfortable seat to learn about the meaning of Hatha, then spend a moment simply noticing your breath. Today's class will introduce basic standing poses like mountain, crescent moon, and warrior II, while emphasizing the calming quality of your breath. You'll move to the floor for locust, cat/cows and bridge, then experience the sweetness of the resting pose known as savasana.


Level 1 20 mins

The goal of a yoga practice is exactly that - to practice. There is no level of success to reach, but with time you will find that your inner experience shifts. This class will expand upon the sequence you already learned, to include new poses like tree, extended side angle and monkey lunge. Pay attention to the balance of strength and stretch as you move, then find release in happy baby, child's pose and a final savasana.


Level 1 20 mins

Now that you're becoming familiar with moving your body in this way, you can begin to shift your focus to your pace. This class will repeat the poses you've learned so far (with a few new variations), so you can practice adding a flowing quality to your movements. Feel invigorated as you move steadily from pose to pose, and notice how you've grown in just these few practices.

Week 2


Level 1 20 mins

Use this practice to notice your breathing, without making an effort to change or control it. Become aware of any times where you are holding your breath, rather than allowing it to flow smoothly and naturally. Begin standing in mountain, then learn a common sequence of poses known as sun salutations. You'll create energy and heat throughout your body, and use it to fuel the rest of your practice.


Level 1 20 mins

At first all the pose cues may have felt overwhelming, but with repetition they should be becoming more clear. As you continue to adapt to each verbal instruction, remember to listen closely to your body, and never move in a way that doesn't feel right to you. Today you'll begin your flow with sun salutations again, adding eagle arms to give your shoulders a stretch. Feel strong in your foundation and playful in spirit, as you continue to explore new facets of this practice.


Level 1 20 mins

Bring a sense of adventure to your final class, as you celebrate the knowledge and confidence you've gained. This class will move steadily through the sequence you've learned in this program, offering some optional variations to familiar poses. While you're now equipped to move forward in your personal practice, you can repeat these classes often to continue building skill.

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