What once felt unsteady is now feeling more solid. It’s time to find out where your practice can go from here. This program will set you up with six incredible teachers, who will help you move beyond the basics in their own unique ways. Add flavor to your flow with exciting new poses and next-level techniques. This is all about discovering what inspires you.
  • block,
  • wall space
What once felt unsteady is now feeling more solid. It’s time to find out where your practice can go from here. This program will set you up with six incredible teachers, who will help you move beyond the basics in their own unique ways. Add flavor to your flow with exciting new poses and next-level techniques. This is all about discovering what inspires you.
  • block,
  • wall space
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Week 1


Level 2 45 mins

Get ready to access your inner child with this strong, playful flow. Begin with wrist warm ups, open your whole body with cat/cows and anahatasana, then flirt with arm balances and inversions in an accessible way. Explore handstand hops, funky triangle, skandasana, hip mobility work and eka pada koundinyasana 2. You'll work your body from head to toe, then end in ultimate yoga bliss.


Level 2 45 mins

Now that you've got the fundamentals down, this class will help you dive deeper into your internal experience. Set alignment aside for now and focus on your breath, to recalibrate your nervous system and refine your awareness. Flow with your breath through half moon and a lunge/crescent series, building heat before a guided savasana and closing pranayama exercise. Props Suggested: Two blankets and a bolster.


Level 2 45 mins

Dive into a balanced, full-bodied sequence that will help you expand your limits. Discover what's possible as you open into side plank, half moon sugarcane, modified kapinjalasana, and bow. Your practice concludes with some luxurious stretching and a cozy savasana, to revel in the openness you've created.

Week 2


Level 2 45 mins

Learn about the four most important arm balancing families, and try out the foundational postures in each. This adventurous flow will introduce you to handstand, pincha mayurasana, crow, side crow, side plank and baby tolasana. With detailed, easy-to-understand instruction, you'll have yourself airborne in no time. Props Needed: Wall space.


Level 2 45 mins

Explore your flow as a dance - with a beginning, middle and end that repeats - just like life. This creative, heat-building sequence includes flowing vinyasas, half moon, and chair twists, then ends with a deep release in pigeon and savasana. Notice the natural flow of your body and use the power of your breath to build endurance and heat. Props Suggested: Two blocks.


Level 2 45 mins

Uncover the nuances of your practice by refining your alignment and stabilizing your body. This classic vinyasa flow will help you create a spacious and comfortable lower back, while introducing tips to bring awareness to your practice. Feel increased freedom in your body by developing subtle shifts within poses like locust, parsvakonasana and bow. This class is all about lengthening while strengthening.

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