Master Class for Teachers

Annie Carpenter teacher avatar
Level 2-3 - 60 min
As teachers, we often put incredible effort into creating smart, fun sequences for our students, then find ourselves practicing just enough to get through the day. This program offers teachers both a challenge and a solution: to give yourself ample time to reset, re-inspire, and restore. Each advanced, hour-long practice has a unique energetic intention, yet they’re all designed to hone your skills and fill your well.
  • wall space,
  • bolster
As teachers, we often put incredible effort into creating smart, fun sequences for our students, then find ourselves practicing just enough to get through the day. This program offers teachers both a challenge and a solution: to give yourself ample time to reset, re-inspire, and restore. Each advanced, hour-long practice has a unique energetic intention, yet they’re all designed to hone your skills and fill your well.
  • wall space,
  • bolster
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Week 1


Level 2-3 60 mins

When we feel energized and inspired by our own practice, it's much easier to share that enthusiasm with our students. This class is all about opening up through strength and playfulness. We'll stabilize the lower body and create freedom in the shoulders and chest, so we can explore pincha mayurasana and scorpion at the wall. Props Needed: Wall space. Props Suggested: A block or bolster.


Level 2-3 60 mins

Breathe deeply and unfurl your sides to create inner balance and a feeling of spaciousness. We'll flow through poses like tree with lateral variations, half moon, vasisthasana II, and parivrtta janu sirsasana, building strength as we lengthen the side body, then coming down to the mat for a good stretch. Props Suggested: A block.


Level 2-3 60 mins

Actively restore your body and mind with a contemplative practice of forward bends and inversions. This calm, yet strong sequence is designed to ground and center you with pranayama and longer holds. We'll begin in child's pose on our bolster, move into hip openers and inversions like headstand and handstand, then conclude with nadi shodhana and legs up the wall. Props Needed: Wall space and a bolster or a few blankets.

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